As the second semester rolls around, and the 2024-2025 school year slowly comes to a close, it's time for HOSA board applications to reopen! On this page, you will find information on available board positions and how to apply for them!
Consider your commitment to the position before applying; make sure that you have the time in your schedule to do a great job. Applicants must be in good standing with the HOSA chapter and have a minimum of 30 approved volunteer hours.
All applications MUST be turned in by 2 P.M. on Friday, March 14, 2025 to Riana ( No late applications will be accepted.
Find the application below!
President: This person is the previous president-elect position. They are ready to jump in and plan and run meetings, work with officers and be the spokesperson for the group.
President-elect: Observe the chapter and how it functions, assist the president as well as the other officers, and learn everything you possibly can during the year. Additional duties include the member of the month selection and creation of monthly calendars. The president-elect will also be in charge of events like HOSA Week, Wooden Roses, and the end-of-year banquet, with guidance from the president.
Vice President: Assist with chapter fundraising, assist with other duties such as chapter setup and cleanup; be the extra hand wherever needed. The VP will publish any community service events our students could earn hours from as well as be the contact person for the Barbara James Service Award. HOSA member socials will be planned monthly and promoted to build bridges within membership and an end of year closing activities to highlight our success will be planned.
Secretary: Responsible for all the registration of members, forms, and attendance. The secretary should be well versed and organized in accuracy, spreadsheets, and reports. This must be done on the computer at school.
Treasurer: Responsible for all money transactions, deposits, receipts, and spreadsheets. Must be attentive to all transfers of money and able to complete end of year reports; is in charge of the food and drink sales before and after HOSA meetings. This must be done on the computer at school. Must also be available to deposit money after school when necessary.
Blood Drive Chairman: This must be (preferably) a senior who is detail oriented and very creative to develop a year-long program to support our 3 (or more) blood drives. Must be knowledgeable in PSA’s, creating ads, putting up signs, greeting students and teachers in the cafeteria, supporting classroom presentations, and working hard to increase our presence in the building.
Photographer: This person must be responsible for taking pictures of meetings and volunteer events and uploading and sharing them on our site. The student must be knowledgeable on the use of a Nikon camera and take charge of social media for HOSA, such as Instagram.
Web Reporter: Must be tech savvy to do our (Go Daddy) web page and maintain the website and keep it up to date. It will be the responsibility of the web reporter to create and write newsletters showcasing our events, students, officers, and features related to HOSA as many times as needed during the 2025-2026 school year. All work will be proofread, published to our members, Nevada HOSA,, and other chapters. Must also preferably be able to attend the annual State Leadership Conference (SLC).
SLC Coordinator: Plans and teaches SLC and ILC. This officer will be in charge of organizing the event in advance and pushing it to as many members as possible. Manages SLC budget, hotel rooming, applications, and workshops.
*These are brief descriptions of the board positions. You will always be expected to do your job to the best of your ability*
If you have any questions, please contact any SWCTA HOSA Board Member.